We welcome applications to the group from enthusiastic, dedicated, problem-solving chemists! Funded opportunities in the group will be advertised here. See below for application procedures for Part IIs, D.Phils, and Postdocs.
The group will take 2-3 part II students in 2023, working on a range of projects from synthesis to methodology. Each will be designed to fit into the group’s research as a self-contained project which builds on results in related areas but contains its own exciting context and application. Exposure to a wide range of chemistry is guaranteed! If you have any specific enquiries, please direct them to Prof. Anderson.
Come and view our group poster and have a chat with current group members at the Part II open day!
Our group currently has 12 D.Phil. students and we look to take on 1-3 students per year. Funding is often available for UK / EU students; if you have your own funding or intend to apply for an independent scholarship then apply to EAA as soon as you are able. Informal enquiries to EAA are welcome, and formal applications to the department should be submitted here.
We currently have 3 PDRAs in the group and welcome applications worldwide from candidates with high quality CVs and relevant experience. Funded vacancies will be advertised here as they arise.
Postdoctoral workers are particularly encouraged to apply for independent funding. Excellent candidates will receive strong support from EAA with these applications including assistance with research proposals. Informal enquiries to EAA are welcome.